Monday, February 21, 2011


I wanted to combine two patterns, W2 and Paradox.

However, as I filled in the W2 spaces with Paradox, I began to see I was loosing W2!  What to do?  This was not in the plan.

Not what I expected . . . so how will I shade this? Breathe!  As I looked at it, I began to see lots of possibilities. I have no printer for now so I couldn't print a few copies and try them.  Relax! Finally, I decided to try and resurrect W2

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Et voila!!  W2 rose like a phoenix!  It turned out quite dark--darker than I usually tangle--kind of heavy with the blocks and dark shading, but that suits my mood today.  Tomorrow is another day and probably another mood.   The Diva has challenged us to work with white space!   Now that my dark side has been appeased, I look forward to some clean white space.  ;-)

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  1. Extremely cool! I love your process and how W2 came alive again!! With this and the last one you did with the string on top of the grid, it looks like you are inventing a whole new concept-I love it!! What's next?

  2. Awesome! And where is the dark shading??? *ggg* You know, I love intensely shaded tangles… W2 came back to life in a gorgeous way!
    Love how you share the whole process and your thoughts.

  3. I think you've got a winner here!

  4. Perseverence! It turned out nicely. Interesting how in the shaded version the W2 shows up again, while in the unshaded one the things I call "twisted columns" show up more. I'm trying to do more with combining tangles.

  5. This is really something special. I love your post describing your feelings as you went through the process. ♥ and *hugs* to you whatever shade your mood. xoxo K

  6. Wow! What an interesting experiment. Love it!

  7. Very cool - I love the way it turned out.
