Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Grid Tangle in sequence

Grids are not my favourite kinds of tangle patterns but today my head needed something very ordered.  I began with a grid, added the string over the grid then picked up Totally Tangled to look for a few patterns I haven't tried.

First pattern I added is Kuginuki.  It was fun and relaxing, I didn't have to think too much about it, just enjoyed seeing the pattern develop "one stroke at a time."

When I added Pollen (upper left) I made some mistakes (my hands were not steady--sometimes I just have to accept that) but continued with a variation of it in the middle section.

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Lower left is Buttercup--this one was fun. Lower middle and upper right is a variation of N'zeppel--I always enjoy shading this one.  I guess what I like about this tangle is that each pattern area is different but the grid is uniform.

Added a little more detail to the middle section.

And then shaded a few of the sections.

This isn't the best Zentangle I have done, but I did enjoy doing it and learned a few new-to-me patterns.
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  1. This is a great step-by-step, Heather! It's so much fun to watch other people's processes. You know - I've never done one like this (only in sections, not the whole tile)... guess what I'm doing this afternoon?! [grin] Thank you so much for including your creative journey on this. As for your 'mistakes' in Pollen... huh?! [grin] If we did every pattern 'book perfect' it might be 'nice,' but it wouldn't have any personality. I remember my music teacher saying, "Yes, we've established that you know which notes to play, now put some heart into it!" This is what we get with wobbly lines etc... Heart & Soul! :-)

  2. It's beautiful! Isn't it fun to try different ways to tackle a zentangle?

  3. Very nice! I'm going to be teaching grid variations and had wondered about doing a grid over the entire space, then a string over that. I think that's what I'll do!

  4. Thank you everyone. I'd love to see what others do with a grid with string over it!

  5. Thank-you for commenting on my work ..I had to hop over to see yours and I'm so glad I did! It's beautiful!!!!!!! And by the way there are only HAPPY MISTAKES!

  6. Thank you very much for sharing this fascinating progress of a splendid idea! Drawing a string over a grid – how clever is that?!?! And you did a beautiful shading!
    I will have to try this too. *grabbing for a tile and pens*

  7. I too love that you showed the step-out of your process. It also shows what a difference shading makes. Tangles look good before, fabulous afterwards!

  8. I never would have thought to draw a string over a grid. What a cool idea! Thanks for sharing your step by step. Beautiful tile with wonderful shading!
