Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Here is my response to The Diva's  Breathe Challenge this week.  She said,"Your challenge, should you choose to accept it - is to create a tile or piece using conscious, even breath. To Relax. Breathe. Smile."

What a blessing this challenge has been!  I have been playing with Paradox for the past few days and enjoying it...the more familiar I became with it, the more soothing I found it.  The final tangle is more of a variation I guess...it is paradox melted down.  I did the four dots, joined them to form a border, then drew a string, and filled each section with paradox as much as the string allowed.  I was relaxed, aware of my breathing.  I did each of the tangles below at bedtime...as I said the other night, it was better than a sleeping pill!  When finished this one I thought it looked like a wood spirit. (or maybe a wood nymph)  

This one I call Tumbling Paradox, it reminds me of ice cubes tumbling from a glass. 

The more I became familiar with this pattern, the more it's repetitiveness relaxed me.  A cross made four squares to tangle.

The first one I posted the other night and called Soothing, began with an X inside the border making 4 triangles to tangle with Paradox.

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  1. Wow, I can see your breathing has become calmer and it seems restful!

  2. They're all striking, beautiful - entangling! :D I'm still getting a handle on Paradox; seeing these has helped me wrap my head around it.

  3. One of my favorite patterns....done beautifully!

  4. Lovely job on the challenge and Paradox. Way to breathe and relax!

  5. The Tumbling Paradox one just fascinates me, love, love love it!!!

  6. I love your experiments with paradox!

  7. I love this tangle! I haven't quite got the hang of it yet.

  8. These are fabulous! I can't get my paradox to work out just right, I must be leaving something out.

  9. Heather I love your Tumbling Paradox and was playing with your Paradox squares and can't recreate them. Are you using a square to make this or are there triangles buried in there I don't see? It's driving me batty. Any insight would be verrry much appreciated. If you could email me that would be great. dobriendesign

  10. Hi Daniele! I started with the top square, tangled it,added the next, tangled that one etc...all the way to the bottom. Should have left well enough alone but I tried to add one behind in a space near the top one, the darker shaded one, and lost my rhythm there--the lines didn't work!..even the shading on that one isn't right. I would love to see how you play with this! :-)

  11. Lovely! I love all the things you can do with Paradox.

  12. oh yes...no hidden triangles...just squares

  13. @Sandy Petals...play with it...as Maria and Rick say, rotate your tile for each line you draw. You will get the rhythm.

  14. An impressive mastery of Paradox - well done!

  15. P.S. the Tumbling Paradox is simply stunningly awesome!

  16. Addicted to relaxation - what could possibly be wrong with that?! (But then - we're all pretty addicted to breathing too. LOL)

  17. I can see wood and strong trees in the first one. I love the black centers to break it up. Striking. Thank you for your comments on my ZenT, and I just happened to use Paradox for the first time there! I practiced a few times on scraps to make sure I grasped the concept. I love it--it's sure to be one of my "go-to" tangles when I'm stumped--and your relaxed use of it is an inspiration.

  18. Paradox is one of my favorite tangles! Fantastic examples!

  19. i love paradox!! seems like you had a wonderful time playing with this challenge!

  20. These mono-tangles are stunning!!!
    Each and every one of it. But the wood nymph is the queen of all these tiles! Love her.

  21. I'm relaxing,breathing and smiling while looking at these. Mostly smiling because I think Paradox is one of the most challenging tangles. It always gives me trouble. But I love it.

  22. I love it! Never tried paradox, but I see how fascinating it is. Thank you!

  23. ooohhhh I love these! I think the tumbling paradox is my fave...I love exploring one tangle over and over again during the course of a week or so...such pretty tangles!

  24. great fun ! the first is my fav!!!
